There are currently no alerts or disruptions for Macquarie Lightstation. Continue to check this page and or social media channels for updates.
There are currently no alerts or disruptions for Marine Biological Station. Continue to check this page and or social media channels for updates.
While there will be no road closures during the events, please be mindful of competitors running and cycling between 6am and 8:30am. We apologise for any inconvenience.
This program is being coordinated by Greater Sydney Local Land Services and involves the use of a government-approved rabbit control method; namely, the release of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV1-K5) – a targeted calicivirus strain that helps manage rabbit populations. The RHDV is harmless to humans and all other animal species including dogs and cats. Domestic rabbits can be vaccinated against the virus by local vets.
Chopped carrots will be placed in selected areas at North Head Sanctuary for consumption by feral rabbits from Monday 24 February. The virus release will then take place on Monday 3 March, in the same locations. The virus is specific to rabbits and spreads through direct contact and insects such as mosquitoes and flies.
There are currently no alerts or disruptions to accessing Woolwich Dock and Parklands. Continue to check this page and or social media channels for updates.