The Harbour Trust also approved a planning application from Mosman Council for the installation of floodlighting of outdoor sports courts.
These approvals followed a public consultation process, which ran from Thursday 12 September 2019 until Thursday 7 November 2019. The Harbour Trust received more than 150 submissions from the wider community.
Changes to the Management Plan, now in effect, enable the precinct's three outdoor sports courts to be used for sports training — and lit by manually-activated lights — up to 8:30pm, Monday to Thursday, between 1 March to 15 September every year.
In relation to the approved development application, the Harbour Trust has supplied Mosman Council with conditions of use to ensure lighting is sensitive to the surrounding residents and environment.
To view all relevant documents, including the consultation summary, see: Public Consultation.
Further information
The Drill Hall Precinct is located at the end of Cross Street, Mosman, and includes the Mosman Drill Hall, three outdoor sports courts and the Marie Bashir Mosman Sports Centre. The Harbour Trust is the planning authority for the Mosman Drill Hall Precinct.
In September 2019, the Harbour Trust invited interested individuals and organisations to comment on two planning matters relating to the precinct:
- A Draft Amendment to the Management Plan for the Mosman Drill Hall Precinct. Under the Plan, adopted in 2006, the use of the existing outdoor courts was limited to daylight hours and no lighting was to be provided. The draft amendment included provisions that would permit lighting of the three existing outdoor sports courts and their use for sports training up to 8.30 pm. The draft plan amendment also included updates to reflect matters such as current site conditions and other relevant statutory planning considerations.
- A Planning Application from Mosman Municipal Council. The application proposed the installation of twelve 8-metre tall light poles (four light poles at each of the three outdoor courts) at the Mosman Drill Hall Precinct, and for the outdoor courts to be used for sports training until 8.30 pm for up to four evenings a week.
Submissions were invited between Thursday, 12 September and Thursday, 7 November 2019. In addition, the Harbour Trust planning team held a drop-in information session at the Mosman Drill Hall Precinct on Saturday 12 October 2019.