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Engage your primary school class with two creative worksheets

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3 min read
The Harbour Trust has released primary school worksheets to keep Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 students engaged during lockdown and give them an easy way to tap into their creativity.
Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 sheets

Drawing on the history of Sub Base Platypus in North Sydney, our worksheets combine Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 English and Science & Technology Outcomes with a light colouring-in activity.

The easy-but-rewarding sheets encourage students to read with their carers, investigate an image, and discover information about a submarine and/or platypus. They are available to download here:

Teacher’s information pack

We are excited to offer these worksheets at this time and hope this activity can add to your class’s

learning experience during the lockdown period. Please find the NSW Syllabus and Australian Curriculum Outcomes for this activity in the teacher's information pack below:


Helpful links

Learn more about Sub Base Platypus, including the site's history and our visitor experience...