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Repairs and maintenance works

To ensure our sites are open and welcoming to our visitors, we undertake a range of repair and maintenance projects. There projects vary from planned repair and maintenance work to emergency works. These works help ensure our sites are always safe and open to the community while conserving their important heritage.

We will continue to keep the community informed about any disruptions or closures that might be associated with these projects.

Details about our current schedule of repair and maintenance projects can be found below. You can also subscribe to our e-newsletter to receive news and updates as they become available.

    Chowder Bay / Gooreearrow

  • Chowder Bay Wharf
    Status Start date  Further information 
    In progress February 2024

    The Harbour Trust is undertaking upgrades and replacement to the piles and decking of Chowder Bay Wharf and the complete replacement of the adjacent boat slipway. During this work, there will be no public access to the wharf or slipway.

    This work is expected to be completed by August 2024. Please note that this has been extended from May 2024 due to unforeseen weather and a required change in repair methodology.

    Mapping of underground services

    Work is being undertaken by the Harbour Trust to map the location of underground services across our sites. This work is non-invasive and will not have any impact on visitors.

    This work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2024.

    Cockatoo Island / Wareamaharrow

  • Turbine Shop solar panel installation 
    Status Start date  Further information 
    In progress May 2023


    The Harbour Trust is installing new solar panels and storage batteries on Building 150 (Turbine Shop) within the Industrial Precinct, and other buildings on Cockatoo Island. This work will support the generation of green energy on Cockatoo Island as the Harbour Trust works towards achieving net zero targets by 2030.

    This work commenced in May 2023 (feasibility study) and system installation is expected to be completed by the end of August 2024. During the installation of solar panels, access to Building 150 will be limited or restricted. Please see the disruptions page for the most up to date information on site closures and access.

    Visitor toilet repairs & upgrades

    Work is underway to repair and upgrade several public toilets on Cockatoo Island. This work will involve the temporary closure of the public toilets whilst work is undertaken, however this will be done in stages to ensure visitors are not inconvenienced.

    This work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2024. Please speak to our team at the Visitor Centre for the closest toilet and keep an eye out for signage on the island.

    Mapping of underground services

    Work is being undertaken by the Harbour Trust to map the location of underground services across our sites. This work is non-invasive and will not have any impact on visitors.

    This work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2024.

    Lift shaft and steel stair repairs
    Status Start date  Further information 
    Completed August 2023

    The Harbour Trust is undertaking maintenance and repair work on the lift shaft and steel stairs adjacent to Building 10 at Cockatoo Island. This work will return the steel staircase to public access and ensure structural stability for the lift shaft. During this time there will be no public access to the staircase.

    This work commenced in August 2023 and was completed in May 2024.
    Georges Heightsarrow

  • Mapping of underground services

    Work is being undertaken by the Harbour Trust to map the location of underground services across our sites. This work is non-invasive and will not have any impact on visitors.

    This work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2024.

    Macquarie Lightstationarrow

  • Mapping of underground services

    Work is being undertaken by the Harbour Trust to map the location of underground services across our sites. This work is non-invasive and will not have any impact on visitors.

    This work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2024.

    Marine Biological Stationarrow

  • Mapping of underground services

    Work is being undertaken by the Harbour Trust to map the location of underground services across our sites. This work is non-invasive and will not have any impact on visitors.

    This work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2024.

    Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuharrow

  • Mapping of underground services

    Work is being undertaken by the Harbour Trust to map the location of underground services across our sites. This work is non-invasive and will not have any impact on visitors.

    This work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2024.

    North Head Sanctuaryarrow
    Building 1 repairs
    Status Start date  Further information 
    In progress March 2024


    The Harbour Trust is currently undertaking work on Building 1 at North Head Sanctuary. This work involves the removal of hazardous materials and ensuring that the building is watertight and protected from the elements.

    This work began in March 2024 and is expected to be completed by the end of July 2024. During this time, there will be no public access around Building 1.

    Fire services upgrade
    Status Start date  Further information 
    In progress October 2023


    The Harbour Trust is undertaking work across North Head Sanctuary to upgrade the fire hydrant system. This work involves limited disruption to the public but will ensure that the fire safety standards across North Head Sanctuary are up to date.

    The work commenced October 2023 and the installation of new pipework, pumps and storage tanks has been completed.

    Some further testing is to be undertaken, however this will not have any impact on public access to our site.

    Building 17 repairs & upgrades
    Status Start date  Further information 
    In progress August 2023


    The Harbour Trust has been undertaking repair and upgrade works to Building 17 at North Head Sanctuary. This work has seen the removal of hazardous materials, installation of a new roof and complete renovation of the building. On completion of this work, the Harbour Trust will seek expressions of interest from prospective tenants.

    This work commenced in August 2023 and is due to be completed by the end of May 2024.


    Mapping of underground services

    Work is being undertaken by the Harbour Trust to map the location of underground services across our sites. This work is non-invasive and will not have any impact on visitors.

    This work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2024.

    Sub Base Platypusarrow

  • Mapping of underground services

    Work is being undertaken by the Harbour Trust to map the location of underground services across our sites. This work is non-invasive and will not have any impact on visitors.

    This work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2024.

    Woolwich Dock and Parklandsarrow

  • Mapping of underground services

    Work is being undertaken by the Harbour Trust to map the location of underground services across our sites. This work is non-invasive and will not have any impact on visitors.

    This work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2024.

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