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Key projects

We are currently delivering projects that achieve the aspirations for our heritage places as outlined in our Management, Comprehensive and Master Plans.

We will continue to consult with the community at key stages of each major project. Details about our current schedule of key projects can be found below. You can also subscribe to our e-newsletter to receive news and updates as they become available.


Renewal works

We are reimagining Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuh in Mosman. We are also in the final stages of delivering renewal works at Sub Base Platypus in North Sydney.

Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuh Project

The Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuh Master Plan was finalised to incorporate the feedback received from the Revised Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuh Draft Master Plan consultation and endorsed by the Harbour Trust Board at the 14 December 2023 meeting. The Harbour Trust has now published the Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuh Master Plan.

Torpedo Factory Renewal Project

Formerly a torpedo factory, submarine base and gas works, Sub Base Platypus is an emerging community recreation and work hub in North Sydney, homeland of the Cammeraygal people. The Harbour Trust is currently delivering the Torpedo Factory Renewal Project, which will see further improvements to the site for the benefit of all Australians.

Image: An artist's impression of the Torpedo Factory Renewal Project

Priority projects

To ensure our sites are open and welcoming to visitors, we undertake a range of repair and maintenance projects.

Heritage restoration and conservation

We deliver heritage restoration and conservation projects to ensure future generations will be able to enjoy and understand the history of our protected places.

Repairs and maintenance works

Our repair and maintenance projects vary from planned repair and maintenance work to emergency works.

Environmental works

We are responsible for protecting and conserving the environmental values of the extraordinary places under its protection and management.

Helpful links

Learn more about who we are, including our network of heritage places.