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Revised information for Middle Head Oval amenities building proposal

Mosman Council has updated its planning application for a proposed new amenities building at Middle Head Oval with revised information, primarily related to the place’s heritage values. 

As such, the public exhibition has been extended until 5pm Friday 23 August 2024 (AEST). The revised information is available to view.

Submissions about this proposal that were made before 26 July 2024, based on the earlier consultation documents, will be considered by the Harbour Trust in its assessment of the application unless submitters wish to change their submissions given that there is now revised information (the Harbour Trust will contact submitters directly about this).

This is a Mosman Council proposal. Council advises that the purpose of the proposal is to provide improved facilities for oval and park users, as well as improving the arrival experience to the Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuh precinct.

Summary of proposal

  • Demolition of the existing amenities building;
  • Construction of a new amenities building to the immediate north-west of the existing building;
  • Construction of an open-sided shelter over the existing outdoor seating; and
  • Associated landscaping.

The proposal does not involve any change to the oval playing area.

The proposal is on Harbour Trust land. Therefore, the Harbour Trust is the relevant planning approval authority. As the planning approval authority, and per our management plan, the Harbour Trust is running a public exhibition of the proposal between 9am Friday 28 June and 5pm Friday 23 August (AEST).
If you have any questions about the planning approval process and the public consultation, please contact the Harbour Trust via

To review the details of the proposal and to provide feedback to the Harbour Trust on the proposal by Mosman Council, please visit the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s ‘Have Your Say’ page. Hard copies of the documents will also be available during business hours at:

Submissions are invited until 5 pm on Friday 23 August 2024 (AEST) and should be made via the Have Your Say page.
